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Types of RA Arthritis and Treatments By Dr John Anne

RA Arthritis is one of the most common diseases that occur globally. The term RA Arthritis is a general term that is used for almost a group of 100 diseases. These diseases bear some similar characteristics like inflammation and pain in joints. RA Arthritis word is a Greek word that literally means inflammation in joints. Though some people suffering from RA Arthritis might not complain inflammation in the joint but the common complain is discomfort in joint.
Out of these 100, major three occurring arthritic conditions are
(a) Osteoarthritis – it is a condition in which the cartilaginous tissue that is present in the joint gets converted to bony structures. Due to this body tissue formation the movement of the joints gets restricted and there is severe pain in the joint on movement. In ayurvedic terminology it is known as sandhi gata vata and is caused due to vata vitiation in the body.
(b) Gout – gout is a disease that is commonly seen in rich people due to their luxurious life style. This disease occurs due to life style disorders and commonly seen in people who lacks physical activities in their life style. In these diseases the serum uric acid gets increased and due to this its crystal formation occurs that ultimately settles in the joints. As the joint space gets occupied with these crystals of uric acid. On movement, these crystals hinder the free movement of the joint. In ayurveda this situation is called as vata Rakta.
(c) Rheumatoid RA Arthritis – it is a condition in which our immune system attacks our own body. It is an autoimmune disease that can lead to the joint inflammation. Some times the surrounding tissues also get inflamed. In ayurveda it is known as aamvata. It happens due to vata vitiation in the body. It causes severe pain in joints and very often swelling is present.
· Pain in joints
· Inflammation
· Restricted movements
· RA Arthritis initiates in small joints first
· Joint is warm
· Generally red color is seen on the affected joint
Home remedies for RA Arthritis
Below are some of the home remedies that are very effective in treating RA Arthritis.
· Rub the castor oil on the affected joint to get instant relief from pain. Castor is known as errand in ayurveda. It is helpful in suppressing pain as castor is vata suppressant.
· Ashwagandha is an herb that is very effective in suppressing pain and reducing inflammation in the joint.
· Garlic is also very effective in suppressing pain and reduces the inflammation of the joint.
· Shallaki an ayurvedic herb also is one of the best pain reliever in the arthritic condition. It is also helpful in reducing the swellings on the joint.
· 2 table spoon of lemon mixed with the honey and is then taken with a cup of warm water gives immense relief in arthritic pain.
· Mix a spoon of cod liver oil in a glass full of freshly derived orange juice is also an effective remedy for treating joint pains and RA Arthritis
· Half tea spoon of turmeric powder is taken in warm milk is very effective remedy in treating RA Arthritis
· You can immerse the joint in the hot water and can move the joint in it.
· Hot vinegar can be applied on the affected joint to get the instant relief.
· The joint can be rubbed with a mixture of two parts of olive oil and kerosene oil. It is an effective treatment for getting instant relief from RA Arthritis.
Read more about Arthritis Pain Relief at http://www.ayurvediccure.com - World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies

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