RA Arthritis Free For Life Pages

Food Health and RA Arthritis

According to an article from Your Health Title “Foods and Arthritis”, we can actually control RA Arthritis from the food that we consume. Millions of people suffer from RA Arthritis and most of them are taking medicine for relief. In a long term basis, controlling RA Arthritis by consuming medicine is not a good way. Obviously there will be side effects. The best way to control RA Arthritis will be by controlling the daily food that we consume. This is a long term solution for controlling RA Arthritis. It’s actually not a cure for RA Arthritis but it’s actually helps to reduce RA Arthritis. It’s more like changing the life style towards reducing the pain cause by RA Arthritis. As this is a long term method for combating RA Arthritis, patients actually need to practice the diet nonstop.

        Below are the summery or important points regarding the food that we should consume and the food that we should avoid. All information is gathered from the article mention above.

Pain-safe foods virtually never contribute to arthritis or other painful conditions. These include
  • Brown rice
  • Cooked or dried fruits: cherries, cranberries, pears, prunes (but not citrus fruits, bananas, peaches or tomatoes)
  • Cooked green, yellow, and orange vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, chard, collards, lettuce, spinach, string beans, summer or winter squash, sweet potatoes, tapioca, and taro (poi)
  • Water: plain water or carbonated forms, such as Perrier, are fine. Other beverages – even herbal teas – can be triggers.
  • Condiments: modest amounts of salt, maple syrup, and vanilla extract are usually well-tolerated.
Major Arthritis Triggers

1. Dairy products*
2. Corn
3. Meats**
4. Wheat, oats, rye
5. Eggs
6. Citrus fruits
7. Potatoes
8. Tomatoes
9. Nuts
10. Coffee
*All dairy products should be avoided: skim or whole cow’s milk, goat’s milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
**All meats should be avoided: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.

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