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10 simple ways to protect joints from Arthritis Foundation

Below are 10 simple ways to protect joints from Arthritis Foundation. It is an article from Arthritis Foundation with information on how to protect your joints and help prevent osteoarthritis.

  1. Maintain your ideal body weight. Obviously the lighter you are the less stress and pressure you put on your joints.
  2. Move your body. Exercise helps to protect joints and strengthening the muscles around the joints.
  3. Stand up Straight. Good posture is the key to basic health and proper joints condition.
  4. Use the big joints. This is about knowing the right way to lift or carrying things.
  5. Pace yourself. Do not force yourself over heavy exercise or physical workload.
  6. Listen to your body. When you feel pain, which is the warning sign. Do not ignore or just take pain killer without finding out the root cause of the pain.
  7. Don’t be static. Always change your position to decrease the stiffness of your muscle and joints.
  8. Forget the weekend warrior. Warm up before going for any exercise.
  9. Wear proper safety equipment. These are the things that protect your body and joints.
  10. Ask for help. Do not force yourself into heavy physical workload alone.

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